I woke up laying on my arm in such a way that I lost all feeling in it.
It was like it wasn't even attached.
Not that tingley kind of asleep, either.
Pure Dead Weight!
When I tried to roll over, it was like an anchor.
I touched it with my other hand and tried to lift it, but it was too heavy. I didn't have the leverage. I couldn't even feel my hand on it.
It was so weird!
After wrestling with it for a few minutes it slowly regained feeling.
It got me thinking, though...
What if that happened to your head?
I mean, you wake up and your head is just hanging off your shoulders like a bowling ball that some maniacal scientist had grafted onto you in your sleep?
You try holding it up with your hands, but you can't feel it well enough to get a hold of it.
So, now your trying to get down the stairs to get to the bathroom mirror to see if in fact your head is still there, and this bowling ball is just flopping back and forth knocking things off the wall. You slip in all the drool and fall head first down the steps!?
I guess I'm lucky that this time it was only my arm. This time!
If it ever does happen, though, I'll be ready.
I've set up some bowling pins at the bottom of the stairs.